Tag Archives: bean sprouts

Urban Farming



I’ve been M.I.A. because:

a) I decided to enroll in Federal Income Tax.

b) The train was being held momentarily forever at the station.

c) I am an urban farmer.

d) All of the above.

The answer is D, for DUH!!!

So, yes, I am enrolled in Federal Income Tax. Do not ask me whether you should purchase federal or corporate bonds, or whether or not that free hotel room constituted a fringe benefit, because the lawyerly answer is “it depends” and because it involves math. The train is always being held at the station. And, I am an urban farmer.

Joke! So I am not actually an urban farmer. Let’s get serious. I do not grow produce on my roof (yet), but I do compost food scraps every weekend at the farmer’s market and I also grow lentil, alfalfa, red clover, radish, canola, and black mustard sprouts in jars on my windowsill. Oh, and you can too.

You will need:
1 bell jar
1 mesh screen for the bell jar OR old pantyhose stretched over the bell jar with a rubber band
2 tbs of organic seeds to sprout. I bought mine from High Mowing Organic Seeds. Use organic so that you do not poison yourself. You can also sprout most beans!
Filtered water

Let’s do this thing:
1. Place the seeds into the jar. Fill the jar with water until the seeds are covered. Let sit overnight.
2. Empty out the water and add new water to rinse the seeds. This time, drain the water. Place the jar near a window or another source of sunlight. You can angle the jar downward so that the excess water drips out.
3. Let the jar sit for 12 hours, at which time, change the water and drain the jar again.
4. Repeat for about 3-4 days or until the seeds begin to sprout. Take your sprouts out of the jar and transfer to a covered container. Keep in the fridge.
5. If you are confused, consult a the internet.

Enjoy your sprouts, weirdo.

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